You’re not alone.

You love Jesus. You believe the Bible. But with all the squawking, clucking, and crowing, it gets harder to hear His voice or to imagine ours will do anything but add to the din.

The truth is that you matter. The truth you have to share acts like a match strike in the darkness of the mob’s caterwauls. Others will see it and grow stronger. Some will see it and walk toward Jesus.

Our greatest struggle is not that we don’t matter, it’s that we do. It’s not that we’re insignificant, but that our significance is hidden from us by the waves of darkness pressing in against the light.

Light prevails.

Here, I will record the adventure of ordinary, Bible believing, Jesus followers processing modern life, wisely applying Scripture, and lovingly communicating truth without screaming, like Chicken Little, that the sky is falling.

(Until the day it does.)

American Christians are like Tolkien’s hobbits. We love our comforts, we enjoy second breakfast, and we’re suspicious of adventures because they make us late for dinner.

Once Jesus knocks on our door, however, we learn that as uncomfortable as adventure is, there’s no better place to be than watching Jesus work.

I’ve been making comfortable Christians continually late for dinner since 2008. Disturber of hobbits. Part-time giant-slayer. Not available for children's parties.

You are not alone. We’re here together. May light increase. I’m so glad you found me.

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Where life-long Jesus-followers come for fresh bread and challenging biblical thoughts about headlines and life. Disturber of hobbits, making Christians continually late for dinner.


Where life-long Jesus-followers come for a fresh filling of bread from home and challenging biblical thoughts about headlines and life. Disturber of hobbits, making Christians continually late for dinner.